
Hello there! We’re delighted that you’ve found your way here to discover one of Flanders’ most impressive historical-religious traditions.

Experience a tradition over 700 years old

Step into history and experience a tradition that has stood the test of time in Bruges. Every year on Ascension Day, the Procession of the Holy Blood is a remarkable event that takes you on a journey through time.

The Procession of the Holy Blood is an annual event where generations gather to bring to life a story of faith, culture and connection. Originating in 1304, the tradition remains timeless with new initiatives year on year. So you can let yourself be surprised time and again!

Recognised as UNESCO World Heritage

Thanks to the preservation of traditions through generations, the Procession of the Holy Blood has proudly been on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (UNESCO World Heritage) since 2009.

This special recognition not only highlights the profound historical significance of the event but also its invaluable contribution to the cultural identity of the community. It also symbolises the preservation of traditions through generations.

Digital programme guide

Don’t miss a single moment and delve into the Procession of the Holy Blood with our digital programme guide! Discover the deep-rooted significance of the five parts and get to know our 54 participating groups through text, images and sound – and learn about the symbolism of the scenes.


The Procession of the Holy Blood is a free event that you can attend from any spot along the route without needing a ticket.

If you’d like to experience the procession from a stand or a bench, tickets are available for purchase from the beginning of March via our online platform or at the ’t Zand information office  (Concertgebouw, open Monday-Saturday: 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00, on Sundays and public holidays: 10:00-14:00), at the Markt information office (Historium, open Monday-Sunday: 10:00-17:00), or by phone +32 (0)78 15 20 20 (Monday-Friday: 14:00-17:00).

Reserved / numbered seats

Stands € 12,50 p/p
Benches € 4,50 p/p

Groups (20+ people), seniors, visitors with a disability and children under 16 years

Stands € 11,00 p/p
Benches € 3,60 p/p

Frequently asked questions

The Procession of the Holy Blood is an event for everyone. We place great importance on inclusion and accessibility, and offer various support and assistance options to help you experience this historic event, including if you have a disability. Find out here how we can help you gain maximum enjoyment from the Procession of the Holy Blood.

Can’t attend the procession in person? No worries! The Procession of the Holy Blood is broadcast live on television and online channels.

Tickets for people with disabilities

You can obtain these tickets upon presentation of your EDC (European Disability Card), blue parking badge for persons with disabilities, or national public transport reduction card (‘blue card’).

Tickets for groups

Verengingen voor personen met een handicap kunnen maximaal 20 tickets verkrijgen aan een verminderd tarief via Lokaal Sociaal Beleid Stad Brugge.

Tickets voor mensen in armoede

We willen iedereen de kans geven om de processie mee te maken, ongeacht hun situatie. Daarom bieden we gereserveerde tickets aan voor Bruggelingen die nood hebben aan een zitplaats, maar voor wie de ticketprijs te hoog is. Dat gebeurt via het Brugs Netwerk Vrijetijdsparticipatie. Vraag je tickets aan via 0496 90 50 15 of Samen maken we deze prachtige ervaring mogelijk.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us.
We are happy to help you experience this special event.