Oude Testament

Deel 04

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    Joseph is sold by his brothers

    The corn measurers were responsible for the purchase, storage and distribution of the grain, just as Joseph in Egypt administered the reserves of grain. The guild of the grain measurers presents this scene.

    Joseph is the youngest son of Jacob, the ancestor of the Jewish people. He was his father’s favourite. This is the reason why his brothers wanted to get rid of him. They sell their brother to caravan travellers on their way to Egypt and soak the beautiful coat of Joseph in blood. This way, they let it appear to their father that Joseph has been devoured by a wild animal.

    Joseph with the pharaoh

    Driven by hunger, the sons of Jacob travel to Egypt where food is still available. Meanwhile, Joseph has become the second most important man in the kingdom of the pharaoh. Joseph recognises his family and reveals who he is. The person they wanted to kill has become their saviour. Because of this, Joseph is the prefiguration of Jesus Christ, who as an outcast brings new life to humanity.



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